This weekend, actual cleaning with the parents. My father fits into pants he thought he couldn't wear anymore, and I fit into pants he hasn't worn in ten years, funny, because they fit me exactly, and are smaller than any pants I own currently. A reminder that I need to keep going to the gym though, I'm very good at pushing to a point, and then laxing off until something in side of me or outside of me pushes back. I enjoy being more proactive however, though it is a lot like launching myself from a catapault as far as feelings go. Exhilirating, but there's a twinge of doubt as to whether I'm going to land on a fence of spikes or a grassy knoll, or just a hard floor and have to deal with some pissed off soldiers and pesants, including whomever I landed upon.

So, in the name of soothing my soul and spirit, I assembled a mix set of dream-inspiring songs, sweet, expansive, beautiful, or otherwise etherial.


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