my daily cross-site data mangling.

  • 12:08 @CjTownsend88 jah-lectro. DO BOTH. #
  • 13:59 @CjTownsend88 omg that's dope. I'm gonna sneak in there and do a set hiding under the decks with a cardboard cutout of tiesto behind me. #
  • 14:02 @RitaRemixed true, that's why I took it in gradeschool. Haha, I even dropped a track of his on my last mixtape. #
  • 14:12 @RitaRemixed "bonjour, je suis monsieur david guetta, je ne peut pas jouer les chanson que vous ditez-moi." #
  • 14:15 @RitaRemixed "hi, I'm david guetta, I can't play that song." #
  • 14:20 @RitaRemixed "Bonjour, je voudrais que vous jouer 'Turn My Swag On' s'il vous plait. Merci!" to which he will reply "What?" #
  • 14:21 @RitaRemixed My french is so rusty. jouez, and I'm pretty sure every other vocab and verb conjucation is a mess. #
  • 14:57 @oshaughnessy dead-man's fb brake app. #
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